Library Services Survey The Wanatah Public Library is surveying residents to better serve our community. Please take a moment to answer this anonymous survey about the library. All questions are optional. Drop off your finished Survey at the Library,114 S. Main St, or mail to PO Box 299 in Wanatah. OPTIONAL: Include your name and phone on back to be included in our prize drawing! Section 1: Please s!±§!g your answer for each of the following:How often do you use the Library? Weekly Monthly Occasional Not At AII What Library? 2. Did you know the Library offers the following items and services to use FREE? Books DVD's Magazines Audio Books Games Copying & Faxing E-Books Genealogy Resources Parent Resources Local History Items Computers GED and Reading Help 3. Please rate each of the following library servicesExcellent Good Fair Poor Not ApplicableCustomer ServiceCollections (Books, DVDs, Music, newspapers, etc.)Programs (Classes, Storytime, etc.)Online Services (website, catalog, research database, etc.)ILL (Inter-Library Loan)E-BooksComputers and PrintersInternet ClassesFacilitiesHours of OperationsOverall, how would you rate the library?Section 2: We value your opinions. Please briefly answer the following questions:1. What service(s) should the Library consider offering that would help you?2. What do you value most about the library?3. How could the library or its services be improved, if at all?OPTIONAL: Include your name and phone to be eligible for our Survey Prize Drawing Oct.15, 2020!Name First Last PhoneThe Mission of the Wanatah Public Library is to Build an Informed, Involved Community Through Reading, Literacy and Critical Thinking. Find E-Books and search the Library catalog from Home! Ask-A-Librarian! We are your Question and Answer Resource! 'Like' Wanatah public Library of Facebook for updates! Weekly online children's story Hour for your Little ones from the safety of Home! Library Materials are cleaned after every use for the safety of all of us. Suggest materials for the Library to purchase: e-mail: Wanatah public Library 114 S. Main st. PO Box 299 Wanatah, lN 46390 219-733-9303 Monday: Noon -7 Tuesday: 9 Wed. -Fri.: Noon Sat. -Sun.: Closed Thank you for helping us to improve the Library and provide modern services to OuR community! Survey paid for by Wanatah Public Library.CAPTCHA